Friday, March 18, 2011

A Muse Named Patti Smith

Some really evocative images here: Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe

 “In general, we had very different ideas of what we wanted from a photograph,” Ms. Linn recalled. “Robert was interested in perfection. I prefer imperfection.”

UH OH, this sounds like the conversation my tutor Clive and I had about street photography this week! 

From the article:  Ms. Linn teaches at Vassar. Her pictures are at the Whitney, the Getty and the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, among other institutions. Her body of work is idiosyncratic and filled with visual wit. She doesn’t frame out the mundane. In her images, the odd and the obvious coexist.

There must be a point when you can include imperfect images in your portfolio without worrying that people will think you are just a bit crap at photography.  I shall try to be braver about that.  More chaos and distraction.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lucia Herrero - Tribes

Reminds me a bit of Kyle Cassidy's amazing 'Armed America' project.

These photos of modern-day beach groups are inspired on the studio portraits of ancient tribes who proudly posed in traditional costumes next to their prized possessions. The sky and the sea become the painted backdrop of the studio and the sand seems as if it were sprinkled on the studio floor. The lighting and the theatricality of the groups add an element of fantasy to the portraits of real people in their natural surroundings. That enlightens a banal situation and elevates it to a state of exception. I call this way of social photography “Antropologia Fantastica".

"This series talks about the human condition in a moment of a peaceful holiday, their pride to be there, their honesty and vulnerability."


love the fragile New York lint hanging on washing lines. he seems like a really playful, tactile artist who luckily for him has the space to experiment.  his work has so many touches of humanity which stops much of the imagery from being too bleak. very inspiring.