Saturday, February 16, 2013

Closing this blog

Dear lovely followers of this blog. I have now completed my People and Place course and sent everything to the OCA for assessment. It is time to move on to my Digital Film Production course and the new blog is here:

Brace yourselves for crappy sketches done on my iPad and film reviews along the lines of "loved it!" or "utter pants!".

It is going to be a rocky road but much more fun if you all come along for the ride so hope to see you there...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Camera Sutra : )

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Havana photos (after Klein - ish)

So I was very inspired by the OCA trip to the William Klein exhibition and decided to process a batch of my latest holiday photos in his style (sort of).  I salvaged some images that would usually have been discarded due to technical issues, upped the contrast and added grain effect.  It felt counter-intuitive as Havana is such a colourful place but the city is also highly textured and very dark at night so I felt these kind of work.  Would be interested to hear what other people think?

Black and white gallery:

And to compare and contrast the approach, this is the colour gallery (not the same images):